The tittle on the top has meaning as Slap Rice in engilsh. Why must slap? Because, Sego tempong is one of very hot (spicy) culinary. So, if ...

The tittle on the top has meaning as Slap Rice in engilsh. Why must slap? Because, Sego tempong is one of very hot (spicy) culinary. So, if ...
Using Traditional House This museum is located in the Disbudpar (Culture and Tourism Centere Office) complex. looked from the outside, this ...
Gajah Oling or Elephant-Eel in english, is a batik pattern. This batik pattern come from Banyuwangi. The center of production is located in...
Kalibendo....... (8.161855S & 114.278498E) source : wikimapia Kalibendo or in english is called Bendo river included in the Kalibendo P...
The Kuntulan Dance In Endog-Endogan Festival From the title on the top. We can see there are 2 things, The Maulid Nabi...
Seblang Bakungan in action source : Seblang dance is a traditional ceremonies that purpose to give thanks to Allah SWT....
The special entry for our beloved school, SMPN (State Junior High School) 1 Banyuwangi. My school is one of the favorite school in Banyuwang...
Banyuwangi in past, ever be a place of Blambangan Kingdom. Beside that, there are many stories that make Banyauwangi as incidence background...
The title on the top can be the question. Whats the mean? The Diamond triangle is the term of 3 amazing tourism object in Banyuwangi, such a...
The family picture taken at theRajagwesi beach Rajagwesi Beach is located in the Sarongan Village, Pesanggaran Subcity, Banyuwangi. This bea...