Banyuwangi Blimbingsari Airport is one of the assets of the Banyuwangi Regency, managed by Airport Task Force under the auspices of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Department of Transportation.

Blimbingsari Runway, dimension:1400x30
In 2003, the Minister of Transportation issued a ministry decision on Determination Airport in the Banyuwangi Regency of the content of these decisions is that the location of airports in Banyuwangi, East Java Province, located in the Blimbingsari Village, District Rogojampi with geographic coordinates 08 18 '42.70 "South Latitude and 114 20' 16:30" East Longitude.
From 2004 until the year 2008, the Airport Blimbingsari Banyuwangi with funding from the state budget periodically perform physical development to realize society's expectations of Banyuwangi will air transportation.
On December 30, 2008, the Indonesia Minister of Transportation, Jusman Syafii Djamal made a brief visit to the Airport Blimbingsari Banyuwangi Banyuwangi regent assisted by its entourage. After observe and interview technical problems with the Airport Task Force, Ministry of Transportation was optimistic that the flight in Banyuwangi to developed rapidly with the Airport which he said is quite good and ideal for development and support of all parties concerned.

Main Building
In accordance with the directives of the Minister of Transportation about the operation target Airport in March 2009, the Airport Task Force Blimbingsari Banyuwangi follow up with trying to coordinate with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and assure the operators (users of airport services) that Blimbingsari Airport Banyuwangi although the initial standard facilities a minimum but has a runway (runway) are ideal for flight operations of medium and small aircraft.
At the beginning of 2009, exactly on January 23, 2009, a team from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation to evaluate and verify the Airport Blimbingsari Banyuwangi.

Domestic Terminal
Some time later, the DGCA issued a letter No. 167/DBU/II/2009 dated 9 February 2009 on the use of Banyuwangi Blimbingsari Airport which outline its contents is that the Airport Blimbingsari Banyuwangi can be used for taking off and landing aircraft Cassa.
After conducting field surveys and coordination, the Bali International Flight Academy began wanting to use Banyuwangi Airport as a place to train pilots for taking off and landing every day.
On April 21, 2009, the Flight Instructor (Flight Instructor) BIFA has used Blimbingsari Banyuwangi Airport to provide training taking off and landing for the siswa.Setiap day clock starts from 13.00WIB 05.45WIB up to about 10 students scheduled to study familiarization BIFA touch and go (landing and immediately taking off again) that each student perform at least 7 times each day pergerakan.Sehingga Banyuwangi Airport serves at least about 70 movements of touch and go.

Meteorology Station
To support this, the Airport Task Force Blimbingsari Banyuwangi in accordance with the Aviation Act No.1 of 2009 doing various forms of socialization of both target and in writing to the local community for not entering the airport area without permission from airport management to support the flight safety based on procedures for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Rescue Car
kok informasi landasan pacu dan maskapai yang beroperasi belum di rubah?
BalasHapusbukankah panjang landasan sudah menjadi 1800m?
yo iki...???tuan rumahe turu paleng..??wkwkwk
BalasHapuskunjungi link kami http://tourbanyuwangi.com/