Because It's still made traditionally. There are many problems faced by batik craftsman and Banyuwangi goverment. The main problem are limited funds to conserve and promote batik gajah oling and there are no youngers who wants to learn batik.

Batik Gajah Oling in the elementary school uniform in Banyuwangi

The sketch of Batik Gajah Oling

Gajah Oling

Batik Gajah Oling
These are the english translation qoute from the various site or blog who discuss the Batik Gajah Oling:

Mak Kulsum
The batik craftsman named Mak Kulsum says "Usually, the pattern draws in the another cloth. But, for me it's not neccesary. I draw the pattern in the cloth directly". "Now, I'm very anxious because there are no youngers who wants to learn the batik production"
Gajah Oling In Genewa
comments : arimbi says in 1 December 2009
For my comrade in the Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi batik has already globally. I find the old Batik Gajah Oling was collected by Gaspar Demarwal. He's my friend from Genewa, Switzerland. and I also promote the batik to Mrs. Tatiana. She's still active in the Italian parlement and she collects 3 kind of Banyuwangi batik, there are Gajah Oling, Paras Gempol, and Kangkung Saiket (Kangkung Setingkes).

There are Butterflies and Manggar
Gajah Oling is the the base shape pattern of Batik in the Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. From the it's word origin, Gajah means elephant and Oling means water snake (a kind of eel). Beside that, in the Batik Gajah Oling there are Butterflies, Suluran (a kind of vines) and Manggar (flower of palm).
The gandrung dancer are also use the Batik Gajah Oling in the bottom of their clothes.

Gajah Oling Bag
waiting our Batik Gajah Oling bag that will comes in May.
Batik Shop
Batik craftsman and Batik gallery can be found in the Virdes Collection in the Simbar-Tampo, Cluring Subcity, Banyuwangi. Phone : +62333394214. Sri Tanjung shop, Phone : +62333415061 and Sayuwiwit shop, Phone : +62333422462. Sritanjung and Sayuwiwit shop are located in Banyuwangi.
Gajah oling batik saya mau tahu lokasi kelurahan temenggungan1?
BalasHapusberapa jauh dari pusat kota kearah mana?
saya mau kunjungilokasi pembuatannya.
adakah seseorang disini yang bisa jawab lansung pertanyaan saya/I needed to right now / day
BalasHapusHi Ary
BalasHapussaya sudah telah melihat sendiri tempat buat batik terima kasih
Keren, banyuwangi sudah punya paten batik sendiri. .