Seblang Bakungan in action
source : eastjavatraveler.com
Seblang dance is a traditional ceremonies that purpose to give thanks to Allah SWT. This traditional ceremonies is held in the two area, such as Kelurahan Adat Bakungan, Glagah Subcity, Banyuwangi or in the Olehsari Village, Glagah Subcity, Banyuwangi.
Timing of the Seblang Dance in two village are different. Seblang in Olehsari is held after Idul Fitri day. While in Bakungan, Seblang is held after Idul Adha day.
The preparation of Seblang traditional ceremonies begins from the family severally. Usually, the woman villagers are cooking the petheteng (grilled chicken mixed by coconut) and the man villagers are making oncor (traditional torch, made of bamboo). While the village official and the village elders gathered to deliberated who the Seblang dancer.

Seblang Olehsari
Now, I'll tell to you about my experience, see the Seblang traditional ceremonies in the Kelurahan Adat Bakungan.
In the sunday afternoon, about in 2007. I used to go to Tawangalun Sport Center. Suddenly, I called by Arief, my classmate. He was following the troupe of Barong (Traditional Attraction). A few after it, I asked to Arief what's happened?. He answered that this is a part of Seblang ceremonies to be held tonight.
My heart says, hmm, this a amazing event. and I am interested to see Seblang dance.
In the Arief's house, the condition is very busy. In the backyard the busiest than another room. There were many mothers. They were cooking rice, frying chicken, making sambal (chili sauce), and cleaning banana leaves.

Ider Bumi atmosphere
The sun had been set, but the condition still busy. Fortunately, Arief's house is located in front of the Seblang dance venue. So, it's very crowded. The villagers gathered in the edge of the way to saw the Ider Bumi (the procession, usually carrying the cash crops, such as paddy, maize, or fruits). And Ider Bumi passed in front of Arief's house. There are many santris (students of religious college) brought oncor (torch) and sang the religious song. and the others said "Lailahailallah" (Nothing any god other than Allah). At that time, the electric power source of village turned off, the more sacral atmosphere.
After the procession passed, the electricity is turned back. I went to Arief's backyard to take a plate of rice. I like this condition. I could eat together with the villagers that gathered in the Arief's house, the more familiarity atmosphere.
Begins to close eyes
At the 8.00 pm. The villagers was fulfilling the venue of Seblang dance. In fact, the ceremonial begins at 9.00 pm.
In the long waiting. I saw the grandmother wore the dancer clothes, she held by two man. After that, one of village elder whispered something to the grandmother. Magically, the grand mother closes her eyes and begins to dance. So, she danced with closed eyes. I was amazed when saw she was trance and dancing. A few from it, she divided the flower arrangements. The villagers are believe, if you could get the flower arrangements from seblang dancer, you would give the luck.
Are you believe? the answer is yes or not.......
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